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  • By Admin
  • 2024-05-08 19:58:56
  • 305


Monday, May 06th 2024, Student Association of English Study Program (HMPS SASING) Faculty of Foreign Languages Mahasaraswati University organized an amazing event called Studium General with topics Interpreting: A Gateway to Global Understanding.

The event took place in the auditorium Saraswati Denpasar, and was attended by 2nd, 4th, and 6th semester students of English Study Program, Faculty Foreign Language. The event was surrounded by a lot of energy from the students who attended. Additionally, the lecturers from the foreign language faculty also really enjoyed this event.

The beginning is opening remark by first vice dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University. It was continued by the second session which is the main agenda presenting interpreting topic. This sub-field is targeted for 2nd, 4th, and 6th semester students of English Study Program Faculty of Foreign Languages Mahasaraswati Denpasar University. At this time, the invited a speaker named Dr. Drs I Wayan Ana, M.Hum. who is master in English Interpreting. In this stadium general egives the chance for each student to expand their knowledge  and improve their skills in interpreting.

Speakers present about “Interpreting: A Gateway to Global Understanding” where this subject is very important for students to broaden cultural horizons, understand linguistic and cultural differences between countries, and facilitate cross-cultural knowledge exchange. This skill also opens up opportunities for students to engage in international collaborative projects and study abroad experiences. In the last session of the event, a certificate was presented to the moderator and speakers as a token of appreciation for this wonderful event.

With this opportunity, the highest Grattitude for Almight God for making this amazing event happened. Special thanks for the speakers, the lecturers of English Study Program, and all the the participants for their participations and good cooperation.

  • Berita